World Food Statistics
and Graphics

Kyushu University,
Faculty of Agriculture

Shoichi Ito, PhD
 International Food

  Grains and beans

  Livestock products
       Beef & Veal

       Oilseed; Rapeseed
       Oilseed; Sunflowerseed

     > Oil; Soybean
       Oil; Palm
       Oil; Rapeseed
       Oil; Sunflowerseed
       Oil; Coconut
       Oil; Olive

       Meal; Soybean
       Meal; Rapeseed
       Meal; Sunflowerseed
       Meal; Copra
       Meal; Fish

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World Oil; Soybean Statistics and Graphics:TAIWAN
Production and TOTAL Consumption |  Consumption for Industrial, Food, Feed |  TOTAL Export and TOTAL Import |  Ending Stocks and Stocks-to-use ratio | 
Self-sufficiency rate  |  Population |  Per capita total consumption
Year Production


Per capita

1964 31 0 1 32 0 32 0 0 0.0 96.9 12.6 2.5
1965 33 0 1 34 0 34 0 0 0.0 97.1 13.0 2.6
1966 33 0 5 38 0 38 0 0 0.0 86.8 13.3 2.9
1967 66 0 0 66 0 66 0 0 0.0 100.0 13.6 4.8
1968 72 0 1 73 0 73 0 0 0.0 98.6 14.0 5.2
1969 86 0 6 92 0 92 0 0 0.0 93.5 14.3 6.4
1970 97 0 6 103 0 103 0 0 0.0 94.2 14.6 7.1
1971 95 0 6 101 0 101 0 0 0.0 94.1 14.9 6.8
1972 91 0 5 96 0 96 0 0 0.0 94.8 15.2 6.3
1973 82 0 1 83 0 83 0 0 0.0 98.8 15.5 5.3
1974 102 0 10 112 0 112 0 0 0.0 91.1 15.8 7.1
1975 126 0 1 127 0 127 0 0 0.0 99.2 16.1 7.9
1976 116 0 0 116 0 116 0 0 0.0 100.0 16.5 7.0
1977 142 0 0 122 0 122 0 20 16.4 116.4 16.8 7.3
1978 143 4 0 139 0 139 0 20 14.0 102.9 17.1 8.1
1979 147 4 0 145 0 145 0 18 12.1 101.4 17.5 8.3
1980 147 0 0 143 0 143 0 22 15.4 102.8 17.8 8.0
1981 172 0 6 176 0 176 0 24 13.6 97.7 18.2 9.7
1982 184 0 6 187 4 180 3 27 14.4 98.4 18.5 10.1
1983 193 7 2 198 5 190 3 17 8.3 97.5 18.8 10.5
1984 204 0 4 202 3 195 4 23 11.4 101.0 19.1 10.6
1985 234 0 8 217 6 207 4 48 22.1 107.8 19.3 11.2
1986 281 2 8 265 10 245 10 70 26.2 106.0 19.6 13.6
1987 289 10 4 282 12 258 12 71 24.3 102.5 19.8 14.3
1988 349 0 6 358 12 336 10 68 19.0 97.5 20.0 17.9
1989 348 25 5 346 8 328 10 50 13.5 100.6 20.2 17.1
1990 371 8 11 379 10 369 0 45 11.6 97.9 20.3 18.7
1991 410 3 1 402 17 363 22 51 12.6 102.0 20.5 19.6
1992 416 1 12 380 15 345 20 98 25.7 109.5 20.7 18.4
1993 385 3 6 382 15 347 20 104 27.0 100.8 20.9 18.3
1994 406 2 16 403 15 368 20 121 29.9 100.7 21.1 19.1
1995 409 13 4 394 15 359 20 127 31.2 103.8 21.3 18.5
1996 419 22 42 426 15 391 20 140 31.2 98.4 21.4 19.9
1997 365 1 16 414 15 379 20 106 25.5 88.2 21.6 19.1
1998 330 2 61 391 15 376 0 104 26.5 84.4 21.8 17.9
1999 363 2 44 392 15 377 0 117 29.7 92.6 22.0 17.8
2000 361 2 12 383 15 368 0 105 27.3 94.3 22.2 17.3
2001 371 1 36 413 15 398 0 98 23.7 89.8 22.3 18.5
2002 359 2 39 419 15 404 0 75 17.8 85.7 22.5 18.7
2003 345 2 61 421 15 406 0 58 13.7 81.9 22.6 18.6
2004 336 3 35 385 15 370 0 41 10.6 87.3 22.7 16.9
2005 363 3 10 384 15 369 0 27 7.0 94.5 22.9 16.8
2006 363 5 11 375 15 360 0 21 5.5 96.8 23.0 16.3
2007 345 8 40 380 15 365 0 18 4.6 90.8 23.2 16.4
2008 342 11 11 350 15 335 0 10 2.8 97.7 23.3 15.0
2009 358 11 0 345 15 330 0 12 3.4 103.8 23.4 14.7
2010 367 8 5 355 15 340 0 21 5.8 103.4 23.6 15.1
2011 360 16 0 355 15 340 0 10 2.7 101.4 23.7 15.0
2012 345 26 0 320 15 305 0 9 2.6 107.8 23.8 13.4
2013 343 7 3 336 16 320 0 12 3.5 102.1 23.9 14.1
2014 352 14 5 342 17 325 0 13 3.7 102.9 24.0 14.2
2015 352 12 0 343 18 325 0 10 2.8 102.6 24.1 14.2
2016 360 13 0 349 19 330 0 8 2.2 103.2 24.2 14.4
2017 355 7 0 340 20 320 0 16 4.6 104.4 24.2 14.0
2018 375 25 0 351 21 330 0 15 4.0 106.8 24.3 14.4
2019 370 18 0 350 20 330 0 17 4.6 105.7 24.4 14.4
2020 365 18 0 350 20 330 0 14 3.8 104.3 24.4 14.3
2021 370 29 0 330 15 315 0 25 7.0 112.1 24.5 13.5
2022 348 43 0 315 15 300 0 15 4.2 110.5 24.5 12.8
2023 361 30 0 325 20 305 0 21 5.9 111.1 24.6 13.2
2024 385 25 0 355 20 335 0 26 6.8 108.5 24.6 14.4